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Wellness Centre, IITM, is the body of licensed mental health professionals. Students can walk into the Wellness Centre or can schedule an appointment through email. Each session lasts between 45 minutes and one and a half hours. The Wellness Centre encourages students to come forward and experience wellness.


All session information are kept CONFIDENTIAL, unless it holds a threat to the student, or others, or to the society.


The Wellness Centre works for nourishment of positive mental health in the campus. The team provides counseling and psychotherapy to the students. They also provide training and coordinate among different stakeholders when the situation demands. 


The Wellness Centre organizes multiple programs throughout the year such as support groups, mental health sensitization sessions, orientation to the mental health facilities. The Wellness Centre often collaborates with MITR and SAATHI for these programs.

The Team

The Wellness Centre has four Clinical Psychologists and one Counselling Psychologist and Assistant manager. They are available at the Wellness Centre office at Dean of Students office,2nd Floor.


To know their details,


External Counseling Agencies 

IIT Madras has collaborated with YourDOST for student benefits. Students can opt for both online and face to face counseling with these agencies.


Chat online:
Tele-counseling (24x7): 044-4813 6222  (YourDOST)

Face-to- Face Sessions (Counseling Room, Library, 2nd Floor): Timings subject to change. 
Please check here for changes.

YourDOST: Tuesday 10am-1pm , Thursday 5 pm to 8 pm  and  Friday 7-30 pm to 10-30 pm.
All sessions will be kept completely CONFIDENTIAL.

Contact us

Stadium Concrete Seats

Helpline: 04422578521

Pink Liquid









Helpline: 04448136222

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